Be Clear and To the Point
Before speaking give some thought to what you want to convey to prevent rambling and causing confusion. Convey your message using as few words as possible. Be direct!
Be Personable
When communicating in person or over the phone the first rule of thumb is to smile! There is nothing like a personable smile to encourage the other person to engage in honest, open communication. While communicating through email, begin and/or end your message with a little personable note ie: “Here’s hoping you had a nice weekend!” or “Have a nice weekend!”
Sit relaxed in your chair, make eye contact and use a friendly speaking tone. Be sure you can back up what you are saying, be prepared to give a few examples, and remember to always list to the other person.
Regardless if you agree with the person you are communicating with, you must respect everyone’s point of view by showing empathy and understanding.
Have an Open Mind
Every conversation should begin with an open mind while engaging in active listening. The goal is to ensure honest, productive communication.
This is the most important aspect of communication! The speaker must feel that you are engaged and listening to what they have to say. Make eye contact, never speak over someone and wait until they are finished their point of view before you respond.
Non-verbal Communication
When we talk about things that matter to us we send many non verbal messages through our body position, facial expression, gestures, eye contact, attitude, tone of voice and even by the way we breathe. Developing the ability to communicate and understand others by using nonverbal signals will help you build rapport and long lasting relationships.
Regardless of which mode of communication you are using, address the person by name, be wary of their time, keep focused on what you want to say and always thank them for their time.